Гарри Тертлдав

Гарри Тертлдав Harry Turtledove

Сериальные романы:

Видессос Videssos
01.Пропавший легион The Misplaced Legion (1987)
02.Император для легиона An Emperor for the Legion (1987)
03. The Legion of Videssos (1987)
04. Swords of the Legion (1987)

Krispos [Videssos Universe]
05. Krispos Rising (1991)
06. Krispos of Videssos (1991)
07. Krispos the Emperor (1994)

The Time of Troubles
[Videssos Universe]
08. The Stolen Throne (1995)
09. Hammer and Anvil (1995)

Gerin the Fox
11. Wereblood (1979)
[= Prince of the North]
12. Werenight (1979)

Worldwar series
13. WorldWar: In the Balance (1994)
14. WorldWar: Tilting the Balance (1995)
15. WorldWar: Upsetting the Balance (1995)


21. Earthgrip (1991)
22. A Different Flesh (1988)
23. The Pugnacious Peacemaker (1990)
24. A World of Difference (1989)

Повести и рассказы:

31. Down in the Bottomlands (1992)

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