Гилберт Кийт Честертон

Гилберт Кийт Честертон G(ilbert) K(eith) Chesterton


01.Клубок и крест [= Шаp и кpест] The Ball and the Cross (1909)
02.Летающий человек The Flying Inn (1914)
[= Пеpелетный кабак]
03.Человек, который был четвергом The Man who was Thursday:
A Nightmare (1908)
04.Наполеон из Ноттинг-Хилла The Napoleon of Notting Hill (1904)
05.Возвращение Дон Кихота The Return of Don Quixote (1927)

Повести и рассказы:

11.Пpоклятая книга

The Bottomless Well
Carden of Smoke
The Elusive Companion of Parson White
The Exclusive Luxury of Enoch Oates
The Face in the Target
The Fad of the Fisherman
Five of Swords
The Fool of the Family
The Hole in the Wall
The Improbable Success of Mr.Owen Hood
The Soul of the Schoolboy
Temple of Silence
Tower of Treason
Trees of Pride
The Vanishing Prince
The Vengeance of a Statue
The Ultimate Ultimatum of
the League of the Long Bow
The Unobtrusive Traffic of
Captain Pierce
The Unprecedented Architecture of
Commander Blair
The Unpresentable Appearance of
Colonel Crane
The Unthinkable Theory of
Professor Green

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